Monday, July 16, 2012

PostHeaderIcon Turkey Hunting: Kicking Him While He's Down

Turkey hunting is a tough endeavor. Even in states well known for great turkey hunting success rates often hover around 20 to 30 percent. In other words, 70 to 80 percent of hunters are going home without a bird. Dan Ellyson had some success hunting in Nebraska but struggled to find his stride in his home state of Wisconsin. Dan owns A-1 Archery in Hudson, WI and hunts all over Western Wisconsin. He gave it one last shot on the final day of the season. But Dan decided his blind just wasn't quite in the right spot. So he decided to move the blind about 200 yards for his evening hunt. Dan didn't realize his mistake until checking his trail camera over the weekend. In the first photo you'll see Dan picking up his blind. The second two were taken about an hour after he left. It was nice of that bird to throw in a little strutting for good measure. There's always next year!


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